Our Daily Schedule
8:30am-9:15am: Our mornings at Pixie start with free play and practicing our social skills.
9:15am-10:30am: We work on our crafts and begin our learning centers after we've settled into our morning.
10:30am-11:00am: Time for a bathroom break and yummy snack time!
11:00am-11:30am: After snacks, we practice our memory building skills and get some fun and energetic play time!
11:30am-11:50am: Time to read! At this time of the day we are either joining together for a story time, or taking a music break.
11:50am-12:00pm: Time to go bye-bye! We take a few moments to gather our belongings and clean up before heading out to meet our parents.
9:15am-10:30am: We work on our crafts and begin our learning centers after we've settled into our morning.
10:30am-11:00am: Time for a bathroom break and yummy snack time!
11:00am-11:30am: After snacks, we practice our memory building skills and get some fun and energetic play time!
11:30am-11:50am: Time to read! At this time of the day we are either joining together for a story time, or taking a music break.
11:50am-12:00pm: Time to go bye-bye! We take a few moments to gather our belongings and clean up before heading out to meet our parents.
Pixie Playschool Address
1801 St Paris Pike
Springfield, OH 45504
Springfield, OH 45504
Learning Options
Two Days Each Week
Four Days Each Week
Four Days Each Week
Learning Hours
Monday – Thursday
8.30 am – 12.00 pm
8.30 am – 12.00 pm
Phone & E-mail
(937) 450-2700